​​Gifts and Benefits

          The Bank policy on gifts, entertainment, and gratuities is designed to preserve and maintain the Bank reputation as a leading bank that acts with integrity and bases decisions only on legitimate business considerations. Gifts or benefits shall not be received, or solicited from juristic entities or outside entities with whom we do business, or those related with the discharge of duties as assigned by the Bank; doing so would compromise, or give the appearance of compromising, our position on any business decision or create inducements, bribes and potential conflicts of interest.

          If one accepts a gift from juristic entities or outside entities with whom we do business, or those related with the discharge of duties as assigned by the Bank, where refusal is difficult, or to maintain business relationships, or for whatever reason, the gifts that may be acceptable include festival gifts generally distributed by organizations, e.g., pens, diaries, which are of minimal value. Gifts not exceeding Baht 3,000 in value shall be reported to one’s supervisor.

         Gifts of a value greater than Baht 3,000 shall be reported to one’s supervisor as soon as possible and donated to communities or charitable organizations, or money in an amount equal to the gift value shall be donated in the name of the persons who gave the gifts and the receipts shall be delivered to those persons, and also reported to the Compliance Department after such donations as required by the Bank. Other benefits, such as entertainment, sponsorship and other gratuities, shall not be accepted. Regarding services related to accommodation and travel, they must comply with the Bank’s established regulations. A record of the acceptance of gifts or benefits must be rendered to and maintained by the Compliance Department or supervisors.

          There are no restrictions on providing gifts bearing the Bank logo, so long as that gift is reasonable in the context of the business undertaken with the recipient.

Under no circumstances should any such gift or other benefit be offered or provided as an inducement to the recipient to enter into an arrangement that will conflict with any regulatory duty owed to customers.

          ​No gift shall be given to supervisors, or accepted from supervised employees, except when given per traditional practices and having an appropriate and justifiable value.​