FebruaryKBank teamed with its partner Lombard Odier in announcing its target of providing the most comprehensive private banking services in Thailand, in line with international standards.
JuneFirst training session organized for KBank Private Banking team in Geneva – KBank teamed with Lombard Odier in organizing a training session for the private banking team and the support team, using a specially designed course. The course focused on developing the team to offer services in line with international standards. The training was held at Lombard Odier’s office in Geneva, Switzerland.
July“Rethinking Extreme: 221 Years of Wealth Management and Moving Forward” seminar – Representatives of Lombard Odier assumed the role of lecturers in sharing their knowledge with KBank clients.
August“The GREAT Investment Strategy: The Path to PRESERVE and GROW your Wealth” seminar – Representatives of Lombard Odier assumed the role of lecturers in sharing their knowledge with KBank clients.
SeptemberK-GREAT, KPB’s second risk-based fund – KBank partnered with Lombard Odier and KAsset in developing a second fund which follows the principle of risk-based asset allocation to expand upon the success of K-SGM fund.
OctoberRepresentatives of Lombard Odier participated as special lecturers at KBank Private Banking Academy Next Generation 2017 (third KPB Academy ) – to pass on the concept of asset management and knowledge of global investment to a new generation of KBank Private Banking clients.
OctoberSecond training session organized for KBank Private Banking team in Geneva, Switzerland –The course focused on developing the potential of the KBank Private Banking team to a level that is in line with international standards. The training was held in Geneva, Switzerland.
NovemberK-Asia Pacific Bond Fund (K-APB) – KBank partnered with Lombard Odier and KAsset in developing K-APB to increase the efficiency of portfolio arrangement in the form of asset allocation.
OctoberLombard Odier invited the participants of KBank Private Banking Academy Next Generation 2017 to join the celebration of Lombard Odier’s 30th anniversary in Asia, held in Singapore.
OctoberLombard Odier’s seminar in Phuket – Representatives of Lombard Odier assumed the role of lecturers in sharing their knowledge with KBank clients.