
Now - 7 May 2017

Fast money transfers. Get the money at mPAY STATION

​​​​Fast money transfers. Get the money at mPAY STATION with more than 4,500 branches nationwide Get money sent to you even without a bank account!

Terms and Conditions:

  • The Sender must have a KBank account and have subscribed to K-Mobile Banking PLUS service
  • The Sender must inform the recipient of the amount sent and the applicable REF2 code
  • The Sender must transfer the full amount in even Baht (no satang), 1-5,000 Baht per transaction; you are allowed to send up to 30,000 Baht/day/account with this service
  • If the recipient has already received the money sent (fulfilled transaction), the transaction cannot be cancelled at the pay point
  • The money receipt code (REF2) is valid for 15 calendar days. After that, KBank shall return unclaimed money to the debited account within 5 business days
  • Senders may conduct outgoing transactions on any day, except between 22.01-00.00 hrs.
  • Recipients may receive incoming transactions on any day between 9.00-17.00 hrs., except at mPAY STATION agents within department stores
  • Transfer fees are assessed at KBank rates: 40 Baht/transaction on transfers of 1-1,000 Baht, and 60 Baht/transaction on transfers of 1,001-5,000 Baht
  • Further details can be obtained at the K-Contact Center, Tel. 02 8888888

Digital Banking